Torion Cancer Foundation

Lot of patients who are on margins of the society are not able to afford cancer medicines and tests. We observed that 1 small step to empower those patients can enable them to complete the treatment.
Sometimes mere right guidance and counseling can help a lot. It has been observed that selection of right physician city and area of treatment matters a lot to patients.

Torion along with few NGO’s help patients families to overcome the setback and to confront it in a big way. Moreover Patient support in terms of medication, tests and sometimes sponsoring patient transfers money helped a lot to many patients.

Organizations like Indian cancer society, cancer aid society, national organisations , breast and research organisation and many more have been formed n India , to help people fight or recover from cancer. These help people having any type of cancer being cured and get proper medications and facilities. Many government institution is also formed to help cure cancer and make people aware about cancer. Let’s find a cure together.

These foundations and organizations are meant to be formed to make people aware about cancer and its risk factors. These foundations make people easily accessible to treatments and hospitals curing cancer patients. Cancer Aid and Research Foundation is a registered medical NGO and non-profit Charitable Organization established with a zealous endeavor of striving endlessly towards the welfare of underprivileged cancer patients, without distinction of caste or religion.